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09.05.05..5:52 pm

It seems the Harpy is mad at me. I have two potential hypotheses (in the Go Team Tautology department) on the matter:

1. She knows I call her the Harpy. So I admit it's not the nicest of names, but it's very accurate and has that nice not-quite-a-banshee ring to it.

2. When she told me she was going to vote Conservative I actually went red, emitted steam from my ears and spluttered, "I. Cannot. Believe. This. You'reactuallyintendingtovote-INTENTIONALLYmayIadd-infavourofabunchof

To which she ACTUALLY responded, "Well I'm too young to have ever seen what Conservative Recession does." At which I spluttered some more and rose a foot in the air and spat out "[Harpy] I Cannot Even LOOK At You." And then stormed out of the kitchen.

HOWEVER, had I stayed though I would have discovered that she's apparently the disappointing hippy lefty daughter her mother would gladly disown because HER MOTHER VOTED BNP. I shit you not. Is that twisted or what? Had I known I've been sharing the same roof with the daughter of a fucking Nazi.. I can't even begin. It just makes me so mad I could cry.

It reminds me of the time when I was with Michael in my last year at uni and cried for an hour because the situation in a Malaysian sweatshop seemed so hopelessly far away and I couldn't convince people just how prevalent it was that they understood the repercussions of being from the GAP, et al. Except in a totally inverse way because those Malaysian Sweat Kids OBVIOUSLY DESERVE IT. O Man, thank fuck for that, now I can sleep better at night knowing the blood on my designer silk jimjams from tiny calloused fingers has NOTHING TO DO WITH ME. Stupid Harpy.

Have you noticed I've been mad an awful lot lately? I guess the only really good news is that I've finished these goddamn essays (last one to be handed in tomorrow) and it was my WHOLE YEAR ANNIVERSARY with M. I love him. We went out for pizza, had a bottle of wine with it and then went to get utterly pissed with our friend Sarah who's birthday we first got it on at last year. Bliss.


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hello and goodbye - 16.02.07
like lightning in the morning - 19.06.06
knob-end loser - 12.06.06
don't get the wine part I - 10.06.06
a blurb is a blurb is a blurb - 07.06.06