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Blogwise - blog directory

2004-06-04..9:26 a.m.

Things I did not have time to tell you, but things you really must be aware of:

On leaving the MC�s Sunday I chanced upon this dude waiting for the bus. He had just been released from prison, so I was told and was so obviously delighted at the prospect of repentant freedom he began playing jazz clarinet right there in the street. This little girl opposite was thrilled to pieces and would clap and cheer from her perch in a window. Later when I got to Finsbury Park I saw the tiniest hijab on the tiniest girl.

There is a man who seems to have taken up residency on the *pavement* down from where I live. He�s an armchair, table, two stools and a mini fridge out with him. He is never without a cigarette and always with a can of something.

Yesterday on my way to the Betsey I saw a little boy in Spiderman pyjama�s holding a Barbie doll in a sprinkly pink tutu being tugged down the street by his mother.

Yesterday I also got a tiny bit tippled at a work do at lunch. I spent all afternoon giggling at people on the phone and engaging in conversation rather than transferring calls. Fortunately everyone else was rather more so, so I didn�t wind up getting too clocked. Bit weird though. Like going on a company picnic and seeing your boss in a bikini.

Went to do door at the Rats and o how the door was done. Done like toast. Or like a slow-roasting carcass on a spit in the tropics. Why is it always the tropics? Who can say? Fuck it. All spits should be in the tropics.

Actually it was only done after I got back from being sent away to clear my head at the Betsey due to Matthew. I was summitted! He quite correctly put me in my place and gave me my out, which I will have to take, if a little sadly. I like Matthew. I hate the fact that he thinks I�m playing him, and more so that I suppose I really was. I certainly wasn�t being fair on him. Regardless. The friends thing is to be attempted officially starting with going to see Harry Potter tomorrow.

Tonight however, I�m off to see International Noise Conspiracy and Starlite Desperation, which should be great. And then I�m going home. To bed. To sleep. To do nothing until half9 tomorrow morning when I will get up AND SHOWER. Properly. Or maybe even have a bath. I can�t wait.


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hello and goodbye - 16.02.07
like lightning in the morning - 19.06.06
knob-end loser - 12.06.06
don't get the wine part I - 10.06.06
a blurb is a blurb is a blurb - 07.06.06