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2004-03-10..2:27 p.m.

I slept for almost 12 hours last night due to a lie-down that extended from a quick kip to a drooling dream-state. Today I�m a bit stumblier than usual, and a bit more headachy, a bit goofier on the inside, but in general the chipper hip happy gally is hip happy. The apparent need for 11.65 hrs lapse from conscious psychosis to a subconscious attempt to figure out the numeric equation of the London Directory* is likely due to the long walk home from the long night out on Tuesday seeing the resplendent and glorious Phantom Planet and craptacular support Cherub. (Perhaps craptacular is a bit harsh because if you didn�t look at them, they were musically very good, [even if they did sound a bit like the Strokes knocked up the Strokes and called it Strokes Jr] it�s just that they looked like someone had read the indie manual, made plastic cut-outs of what today�s sub-core hipsters are looking for, and actively encouraged them to play as mechanically as possible and under NO CIRCUMSTANCES were they to attempt to engage with the audience because then there�d be trouble. The lead singer�s spastic, fire-ants-in-socks dancing did, however, appeal to my sense of epilepsy. So yeah, if you�re thinking of getting into the Cherubs, waste your money on their album rather than waste your money going to see them.)

Phantom Planet on the other hand were excellent, highly emotive, and shook you to a core beneath the core you thought was your core. Since being abandoned by drummer Jason Schwartzman (mid-way through recording their latest album no less, to become *an actor*, can you say rude? Because I can: Rude!)(Can you say Stephanie from Full House? Jeez Louise!) they�ve developed a harder, more garage-rock sound complete with full-on bass and drums at the forefront, and go monkey go! I say. While there remains a level of sunshine and lovin�, the evolution is infectious and fuzzy and kind of dirty, but I like it. Best part of the night: a toss-up between Alex Greenwald leaping onto his amp and singing upside-down, swinging from the mic cord he�d looped over a support beam on the ceiling, and Darren Robinson dropping his guitar and running to join the drums for the last song (and then Alex joined in the percussion fun and they were beating the shit out of the kit.. man that was good).

Tonight I�m off to Salako (yay!) with HomeScience (double yay!) and Wintergreen (yay? I don�t know them) for support at the Art�s Caf� in Shoreditch. I�ve been itching like poison ivy to see Salako for ages and so you can add jumpy and beamy to the stumbly goofy.

Ok then. Right-o. And, Well. I�m going to run along like a good little workhorse and do me some work because tonight it�s gonna be all about the gleeful boppin�.

meep bounty

*Why? Why am I dreaming about this? It�s not like I could ever in a million years figure it out. I failed grade12 maths twice. Even my dream self was beginning to wonder what I thought I was doing.

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hello and goodbye - 16.02.07
like lightning in the morning - 19.06.06
knob-end loser - 12.06.06
don't get the wine part I - 10.06.06
a blurb is a blurb is a blurb - 07.06.06