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2004-03-12..5:14 p.m.

My mind feels like paste. Like the innards of a dying sheep. My throat feels like there�s a very small and fuzzy kitten lying across it, fast asleep, which would be cute only it�s back paw is digging into me and if I don�t do something about it soon it�ll start to hurt, but because the kitty�s asleep I don�t want to move it, so I�m just putting up with it, If that weren�t bad enough, the invisible kitten�s invisible mother is invisibly trying to clean my eyeballs with her invisible sandpaper tongue.

This headspaciness is carrying on in direct and horrible contrast to the general Golly Look At My Boobs Hot-ness of the rest of me. (Look, I missed the first stage of feminine rounding and very nearly skipped over the second. I was twenty before I stopped looking like a 12-year-old boy, and started to get mini-hips, so let me enjoy the fact that last night I knocked over my drink BECAUSE OF my boobs!!)(It�s true too, I did knock over a glass because on my way back into my seat, my left breast collided gently with the rim and sent the whole thing toppling) I keep getting distracted by their firm roundness and the perky aren�t we at attention, hot stuff! sly winkiness.

So I got the skinny on The Loves: the keyboardist and the bassist have begun a sordid romp into the night, which Simon is having, uh..*trouble* dealing with due to his own previous flight into lovenesting with said keyboardist (she does get around a bit, doesn't she?) Thus, they are out and newbies will be coming in. Simon's in the studio as we speak doing his thang under the banner of the Loves, but the April 11 show will be their last as they were (*sniff*). Steve is going to have them go on fairly early on so they can't get drunk and stroppy and ruin things for them that love 'em. So now we have not merely my ascent into the vast old age of 24 as cause to come down (was there a doubt..well, yes, given location location location, etc), but TWO WHOLE OTHER reasons to join in the jimpyjumpy hoopla (Perhaps anti-Karmically I'm counting the possibilty of witnessing tension and angst between lovers and foes as the second. I don't really enjoy watching bad tidings as a matter of course, but like a trainwreck you just can't keep away when it also happens to be between grooving genius.)(I am evil and will be pronounced dead over the weekend for this.)(Parenthetical qualifiers stopping now.)(Pormise.)

Very much enjoyed Wednesday night. Well done, old beast! I say to Home Science and Salako. Well done! A review is in the works as we speak, possibly to be published on one of several websites, though it�s always a bit perilous to start spouting it will before it�s finished and sent off and heard back from and confirmed. Was shocked and horrified when a friend of mine suggested I would want paying for these wee endeavours. Dude! It's about the Music! And the Government is for the People.. It would be even more about the music if I could afford to do that sort of thing ALL DAY LONG and it would BE MY WORK, except that it wouldn�t be my work. It would be my pride and joy. Sigh. (In today�s headline: The Run-on Queen Strikes Again)

Last night Broken Family Band was phenomenal. But need to stop. Post-work tippling to commence.

American Splendour playing on Sunday at the Prince Charles Cinema. If you happen to be in the vicinity of that time, I implore you to have a gander. It�s supposed to be a very very good film, recommended by many people Canada way.

That�s it. I�m out like a light.


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hello and goodbye - 16.02.07
like lightning in the morning - 19.06.06
knob-end loser - 12.06.06
don't get the wine part I - 10.06.06
a blurb is a blurb is a blurb - 07.06.06