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2004-09-23..3:00 p.m.

I sadly am stuck in stupid old Blighty and thus can't partake, but if you can please please do and then write me about it and make me a little nutty with envy.. Among other places they�ll be stopping in Toronto on 5 November.

In other news, first puddle of vomit nearly stepped in this morning AND first early morning haul of second hand spliff huzzah! Had gone four woeful days stepping out my front door hoping beyond hope that I might be so lucky, searching the cracked paving stones for the sticky chunks of regurgitated bile and yesterday's lager, but at last the gods shone on me this morning.

I also enrolled yesterday at Goldsmith's (University of London) officially making me an official masters student of Twentieth Century Literature (how long do you reckon we�ll have to wait before studying 21ST C. Literature becomes a viable option..) The whole process took under an hour and was entirely painless. I seem to remember my first week at Queen's being far more frenetic with the admin, but perhaps it was simply far more frenetic in general due to the proliferation of frosh activities demanding inebriation.* This on the other hand was simply a matter of signing once, handing over three pre-filled sheets and taking myself out for lunch.** And thus it begins.

*Speaking of frosh week. To you suckers in ANY TOWN that sports a university I say HA! Ha! and Ha! again. I ran into a throng of them in my first week home while on the subway and was rather blown away by how utterly they reveal Hobbes� assertion that we as a species are nasty, brutish and short. (I do realise the �we� he was referring to is that �we� that has 'No arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear and danger of violent death;� strangely however, with regard to frosh week, I rather think it still applies � and besides anything they are TINY.)

**I can�t seem to get out of the holiday �I�m totally loaded, dude! I can eat out whenever I like! Money is no object!� mode. And it doesn�t help that I�ve no tuition fees to pay until NOFUCKINGVEMBER. Will I have anything left in my bank account by that point? No! Will I have an impressive collection of pretty shoes? O yes.

Am maddeningly hung over today. Swanning about at private functions with an open bar is not conducive to maintaining a fa�ade of responsibility. One of the org�s I write for is working with a brand new big venue, they�re launch party (a two week soiree) starts next week, but last night�s thing was a media thing for some design house. Did mean I got to see the Others for free. Also means that today I�m nursing a blinding headache and strong urge to run into the streets and forcibly emancipate the contents of my stomach in a concentrated mass that will burn my throat and have bums and poor students nodding sympathetically. (Like how I brought this thing full circle like that??)

Right chickadees, as I�m but part-time these days I�m afraid I�ve no more time to regale you with my tales of nothing. Anyway, I�ve got to start preparing. I�m looking at a flat tonight.. ugh.


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hello and goodbye - 16.02.07
like lightning in the morning - 19.06.06
knob-end loser - 12.06.06
don't get the wine part I - 10.06.06
a blurb is a blurb is a blurb - 07.06.06