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2004-07-23..3:50 p.m.

I awoke this morning as usual to the howl of my Elvis alarm clock,* but decided to languish serenely under the gaze of the Boy. I kept drifting a little between sleep and struggling to wake up, but I remember suddenly feeling so alert and spritely and turning to him with a wide-eyed smile, I can be super dramatic!

Comic Marvels indeed. This article makes a number of really interesting points, ESPECIALLY w Ghost World (with which I happen to agree most heartily). I love NOW. My love for NOW is such that I have been known to beg my dad to send me ancient copies in the post just to satiate my yearn for its tabloid shape and crisp thick newsprint. Even the smell of the ink makes me giddy (which may be something to worry about.) It�s in-depth, inquisitive, adventurous and bold. It�s home to Savage Love and Rob Brezney�s freakishly accurate horoscopes. Despite the fact it�s a Toronto free weekly, it makes a point of not simply covering Toronto-based news, going nationally as well as globally. It was the first place I read of Canada�s involvement in the potential destruction of Guatemalan culture (displacing thousands of indigenous people in the rush for Black Gold), the first widely-read publication to outline the first place I turn to when seeking voting advice in Federal elections, and the first place I remember making a serious effort to engage with the Why 9/11 happened, not merely the What. Despite the left of centre bias I seem to be propagating (seem.. Ha!), it does also try to allow the right their voice as well. During the last election, no party was given more column space than others. Aside from the political stuff, it also hosts some of the most informed pages on film and music and literature in the country, is extremely well written, highly respected, and (I believe) the largest independent news source in Canada. (Is that far enough down your throat? Or can you still breathe?)

I sent a letter (email) to Goldsmiths this morning asking them to please confirm they are still in existence, the school hasn't sunk in a gaseous pool of burning lava, I'm still on for next year. I mean September. SHIT! September??? Fucking hell that's like. That's like, next week! Jesus. Cigarette... need cigarette... nerves fraying....


how�s that for super dramatic?

****meeping meepily meep

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hello and goodbye - 16.02.07
like lightning in the morning - 19.06.06
knob-end loser - 12.06.06
don't get the wine part I - 10.06.06
a blurb is a blurb is a blurb - 07.06.06