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2004-07-13..5:26 p.m.

You know I feel so much more alive today. It�s a good feeling. The film of Monday has been shed, and like an asp in the grass I am reborn. Or maybe like a Monarch in flight I sun my wings, all memory of my cocoon forgotten. I was very good I think this morning, getting out of bed and being ON TIME for work like I was. I think my bed partner (I can�t tell if that�s REALLY REALLY Victorian, as in everyone shove into one bed! Go on! Let�s see how many will fit! We have no coal! � or REALLY REALLY Via La Sexual Revolucion! Postmodern Womyn of me) was still asleep and missed it, but at 5.38am my eyes flicked open and gazed out of the window. And then at his sleeping form with his legs curled, one arm slung across the bed beyond my line of vision, blocked by the curve of his shoulder. There is something immeasurably contenting about watching someone sleep. Nothing at that moment causing pain or worry. Almost blissful.

I had really eventful dreams, lots of wooded areas and windows and green, and people milling about doing *things*, but I�m not sure what those *things* were. It was pretty though. All those leaves. Maybe it was a Sunday picnic. Or on a sweeping veranda of a farmhouse lost in the countryside. What ever it may have been, I was so wholly relaxed and calm. I rarely find I�m completely at peace while waking, my mind always buzzing and rattling about something. But in this dream, everything was still and bustling with total satisfied peace. Rather sweet way to begin I think.

I�ve been rather hung up on how words become words today, meanings and histories and truths. (This is the most simultaneously comprehensive and accessible site I�ve been able to find yet. Mr. Harper, I take my hat off to you.) I think my favourite so far is �grammar�, which thanks to the Scots evolved beautifully into �glamour�. Why can�t I do this all day? My world would be so much more rewarding if I were paid to research such things. Sigh.

Am trying to find cheap flights home to Toronto for September. It is NOT AN EASY TASK. Arg. can BITE ME! Why are you so far, Home? Why? Ah well. At least tonight I get to be wined and dined in the comfort of my own home. O how extraordinarily lovely! (I�m such a FRUITCAKE! Jesus!)


For kicking with pigs Rusky style..

Or perhaps you prefer your piggies a little more molecular..

So no order to this things at all, huh? Hope your day flies like that Monarch, forgets its burden, and falls quietly into night. (my poetic lobe is in full swing today, no?)


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hello and goodbye - 16.02.07
like lightning in the morning - 19.06.06
knob-end loser - 12.06.06
don't get the wine part I - 10.06.06
a blurb is a blurb is a blurb - 07.06.06