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2004-06-14..10:25 a.m.

I just figured out that Chantelle Pike I�m all excited about seeing at the Truck Festisal is in fact Chantelle Pike! As in R.�s flatmate! I get it! Took me long enough.

I�m sure I�ve told you about the Truck Festival. The one that takes place on the backs of a couple of lorries in a field in the middle of nowhere? In any case there's a small and irritating hitch developing my end in the Truck Fest plan, which is that the MC is playing that Saturday and it'll be the only time I'll get to see him for AGES because they never fucking gig! so I don't know. I may have to run back to london for that and then boot it back to Oxford for Sunday morning. Or just get him to change the fucking date, why should I be the one putting herself out?

I'm very sickly this morning, but at work because I am poor and desperately so this week. For some reason - despite the fact I don't actually ever dip into my account, except for bills and the like - I'm more conscious about how little money I've got than ever. It's a bit worrying. I've not even LOOKED at my account in ages. What if nothing is in there?? What if it's all gone?? What if someone's stolen my card and gone on a rampage (which would only actually mean I'd be losing money if they rampaged with my PIN, because it is a 'Basic Bank Account', which also mean that their rampage would be more them running around waving it at people and possibly screaming hysterically than being able to purchase anything.)(Too much about money. Now I cease.) Regardless, the sickly. My glands have acquired their own postal district and I�ve been creaking about like an old tree in the prelude to a storm since yesterday. It took me half an hour (half an hour!) to walk to Crouch End yesterday. A journey of ten minutes tops. I was dragging myself along quite pathetically. When I got home and then went out again and then got home (hair cut with Aussie Laurel) I loafed in bed covered by my duvet and huddled in that big blue ski sweater with the hood. The hottest day of the year (26o C or something equally ridiculous) and I�m freezing and shivery. And now I�m at work and have just been informed that I am to be sent home at lunch because I might be contagious. Well you should have thought of that BEFORE you didn�t make me permanent you bastards!

Have you heard of the Dresden Dolls? Brechtian Punk Cabaret is how they describe their sound. I could be tempted to call bullshit on their pretension. They�re fantastic! I've been trying to find a tour schedule for them, for seeing them I should think would be a treat like chocolate and wheat on the weekend's. Please check them out:

Oy my throbbing head. Hope all's swell.


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hello and goodbye - 16.02.07
like lightning in the morning - 19.06.06
knob-end loser - 12.06.06
don't get the wine part I - 10.06.06
a blurb is a blurb is a blurb - 07.06.06