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2004-04-08..5:17 p.m.

Things I saw on the way to work this morning:

~A veritable kaleidoscope of root vegetables.

~A plastic baggie of various animal leg parts outside one of several kebab shops (I suppose the meateating world can rest easy knowing it�s actual animal leg part, and not cobbled together *meat*)


~Assorted fish flung into their iced tray as though scooped up from their school as they were. With eyes and tails and everything still attached watching.

~TISHA IS RIGHT! No, she�s just buff. Best graffiti I�ve seen in a long time turns out to be not quite so. I need to get my prescription checked.

Things I�ve discovered today at large:

~There�s something about hearing someone sigh and splutter into the toilet next to yours, knowing they�re one of your colleague, that makes you desperately wish you had just held it in.

~I realised when I was changing into my work clothes (can�t be seen in them in the outside, caj independent culture kewl won�t cut it on the in) that I�ve got the same underwear combo as Liv Tyler in Empire Records when she tries to seduce Rex Manning.

Things that have both made my week a little more surreal, and a little more fantastic:

~Sarah, one of my oldest friends had a baby on the 25th of March. A little girl, Susanna Marie. This news came as a complete surprise for I had no idea she was pregnant, much less living in Louisville Kentucky. Sarah�s very Baptist, I was one of two non-Church friends at her wedding last December (2002, Baptist people, remember?), so it shouldn�t be all that shocking. I think it�s more the fact that she is the first of the kids I went to high school with to actually sprog up. Fuck. She�s just brought a real life human into this world, who she�s going to be responsible for, for the next 18 years. This new little person is one half my friend Sarah. A girl who rescued me from the horrors of grade seven in the sanctuary of her similarly bookish ways. The idea that anyone I know my age might be responsible enough to invite an 18 year commitment like that scares and awes me.

~My mum and dad arrived yesterday for a three week and ten day, respectively, visit. I�ve not seen them since last June, and so this visit, particularly because they�re here for my birthday, is without exception the nicest thing that�s happened to me this week. Nothing spells goodtimes like toothpaste and old hard-won ski sweaters (mum threatened to chuck, it is now back in my possession. Victory is Mine!) They�ll be going up to Huddersfield this weekend to visit my Grandad, and I will remain here. Not entirely please that I am, but I�ve prior commitments that were priorly committed to and thus have to give it a miss. To be honest, however, I�m not sure I could handle it. I�ve not been there since my Grandmother died.

~Finished Day of the Triffids. What a fucking great book. Am on a that-sort-of-time-period kick at the moment and loving every word. Graham Greene, John Wyndham, George Orwell. My heros.

Things that will make this weekend RAWK THE HOUSE:

~drinks with the girls tonight, go team! Go Cuban foodstuffs! Go half-price cocktails! Go short week!

~spending an entire day reading/writing/trying on clothes my parents brought over/getting taken out for lunch and not having to pay tomorrow

~lunching with the MC, possibly seeing an exhibit, and then reviewing Radio Department at the Betsy on Saturday, whilst donning the Micro Everything and the Suspender and Garter-belt ensemble, the very thought of which has been driving me shivery all week.

~POW! to the People Sunday!!! The Loves! The Project! Herman Dune! Hanging out with R.! Getting Wankered! (those last two are things I�ll be doing rather than bands I�ll be seeing. You never can tell with bands these days.)

~interviewing Steve from a Band on Monday, VERY EXCITED about this. We�re going to this little pub called (by me) the Foreskin in my area (heehee. It never gets old) for drinks and chats. Jesus I�m cool.

Things that will get this party started:


~right now.

Happy easter bunnies!


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hello and goodbye - 16.02.07
like lightning in the morning - 19.06.06
knob-end loser - 12.06.06
don't get the wine part I - 10.06.06
a blurb is a blurb is a blurb - 07.06.06