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13.09.05..8:01 pm



I know it hasn't been six months since my last letter, but I felt like writing. I don't actually have anything to say, no earth shattering
ideas to expound, just a blog. I wonder if Samuel Pepys was the
original blogger?

It's still hot, just the weather we wait for, and then hide away from. Oh well, plus 30 is infinitely better than minus 30.

We missed the Beaches Jazz Festival last week for the first time in
several years, because I had a better idea. Patricia O'Callaghan was at
Hugh's Room (Dundas and Bloor) on Saturday night so I booked a table and
told Mum Saturday morning, which of course ruined her plans for lunch on
Yonge St. After a round of 'Didn't they have a later reservation?' and
'what will she sing?' we arrived at 6 p.m., walked around the neighbourhood (Roncesvalles), stumbled across a Hewitt Ave. and back to Hugh's 40 minutes later, in time to watch the sound checks being done. We sat, chatted, ordered, ate, listened to the opening act, (Jillian Horton who sounded like a young Joni Mitchell, but is in fact a U of T mate of P O'C, and now a doctor of internal medicine!) Then we had dessert followed by almost two hours of Patricia O'Callaghan singing all the songs your mum knows and loves. After the show we had a couple of minutes talking with her. She told me that she is in London next February, well there is a coincidence, so are we. It was a lovely evening, enjoyed by all!

I think it is a shame about the Brazilian guy shot by police, but under
the circumstances, understandable. If the cops say 'Hey you', you stop and say 'Yes, can I help you?' Running is akin to an admission of guilt. With the obvious option of getting five pounds of plastic explode in your face, I'd have done the same thing. It's easy for the critics to say 'They should have. . .' But until one is faced with that situation, no-one knows how they would react.


From faltering memory, you'll be tripping off to Barcelona soon. I think
you'll love it. Obviously it will have changed a lot in the 35 odd years since I was last there, especially since the Olympics and European investments and legacies. I had a friend at the airport, so I visited fairly frequently. It's handy having a local guide! You'll love the
street markets, I think they call them 'Rambla', the Picasso Museum, the
ancient (pre Moorish) churches, and the Gaudi expressions of mid-century
exhibitionism, the Familia, the Gueli Park, I just wish he'd been around to design the Olympic village! There is a Gothic quarter where you can get lost in the tiny streets for days if you want to. And then there's Salvador Dali, Miro, oh, the list goes on and on.

I remember Oriol giving me a pocket history of his city: Barcelona has
always been the rebel, and nearly always chose the losing side! It led
the Catalunian region in being pro republican, yet anti-fascist. (trying
to have it both ways). Generalissimo Franco then took power and used his
military might to suppress the region again, as the Moors had done, as
the Christians had done. Like all his predecessors, he renamed streets,
burned books, re-wrote the history to glorify his reign. But as always,
the language survived, the people are first Catalunian, second Barcelonean, and third Spanish.

Yep, the memories. You'll love it.

We got our photos back (ages ago) and then I realised that I hadn't
taken one of you and [the Sistercreature] with Granddad, or one of you with M, or Katie and you, or the four/five of us. I could never do wedding photography, I'd forget the brides mother! I'll stick to landscapes, at least trees don't worry about that sort of thing. Some of the holiday shots are ok, but I never feel free enough to take the time I'd like to set up a shot the way I'd like it. There is always someone waiting to move on, or some unknown someone walking a dog, or the wrong cloud
wanders in and I don't have the time needed for it to amble across the sky. Maybe one day I'll retire, or end up unemployed or something. I'd love to do a couple of dozen prints and show them, but I'm not good with criticism, so I'd come across as just another arrogant, talentless artist. Accolades I can handle!


Trivial info time: This months Harper's magazine has an article about
how Americas Christians have lost Jesus, largely due to reduced
educational (sic) funding. For instance, 12% believe Joan of Arc, was
Noah's wife! ! ! And that 85% believe the phrase "God helps those who
help themselves" is in the bible, (it was from a political speech by Ben
Franklin.) Oh boy.

In't he great? I don't necessarily agree with some of his politics, but he makes me laugh so hard that the people trying to write emails next to me start glaring. Ah the life of an internet cafe hound.. My computer died MID THESIS, so I'm back on the cafe round.

Speaking of which: it's done. At last.

More to follow

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hello and goodbye - 16.02.07
like lightning in the morning - 19.06.06
knob-end loser - 12.06.06
don't get the wine part I - 10.06.06
a blurb is a blurb is a blurb - 07.06.06