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07.02.05..2:38 pm

At 2pm on the nose my bag suddenly started twittering at me, I just kind of stared at my bag like there might be a googey monster in there: a little unsure, a little frowny, and more than a little 'I�m sorry I don�t quite get that?!' I pawed through quite unseasonable woolly hats and fleesey mitts, and books and essays, and screwed up pieces of paper and old bus tickets to fumbled for the button to switch my phone off, so didn't quite see the message flashing greenly on the screen. I scrolled through to find carefully entered into the reminders section to �Think of M and go mmmm.� Mmmm� Good thing that reminder was there, I�d have nearly forgotten.

Have you looked out the window? It�s GORGEOUS outside! I saw buds on the tops of trees on my way in and purple and yellow crocuses peeping out of the fields in Clissold Park and blue-billed ducks and orange-bill grey geese diving in the pond and felt like the whole city was suddenly alive and bee-like. If it rains tomorrow, I may cry.

Have been furiously reading for this essay, enough notes to fill up half of one of those square elementary school exercise books and that�s from not even half of what I want to read. Ah Derrida. How I love thee. Regardless, from what I�ve actually typed out, I�m already nearly 1700 words over.

Last week I led a seminar on the language of masturbation in Jean Genet�s Our Lady of the Flowers that would have rocked your socks. I had been thinking that what I wanted to write about was the burden of explanation of lesbians in the pulp culture between the 1930s and 1950s, but I�m really not sure. Jean Genet. He�s got it all.

I�m getting the internet on Wednesday AT HOME which means more playing around being stoopid, but also much more writing of reviews and reading of articles and generally filling my brain with things every rising flame desperately desires. Tonight I�m pub quizzing with Steve from That Band and a few others and hopefully finding time to figure out with James from my class what in fucks� name we�re going to discuss during the seminar we�re leading tomorrow on The Crying of Lot 49. Just as Genet, Pynchon�s writing covers so much. We�ll end up arguing over what one topic/subject/deviation we�re going to stick to and then he�ll pout for a bit. If I weren�t working this afternoon (covering Myra, hence the internet and actually updating), I�d be able to read the text again and pick out the definites from my maybe list.

It�s my 9 monthaversery with M tomorrow, which is made all the better because it�s PANCAKE DAY tomorrow too! Eggless pancakes with brandied warmed fruit for breakfast and then a La Porchetta pizza for dinner.. you can�t really get much better than that.

****meep, full of goodliness and fibre

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hello and goodbye - 16.02.07
like lightning in the morning - 19.06.06
knob-end loser - 12.06.06
don't get the wine part I - 10.06.06
a blurb is a blurb is a blurb - 07.06.06