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Blog Flux Directory
Blogwise - blog directory

2004-07-15..4:57 p.m.

Yet more, because I�m self-indulgent like that:

1. I�m eating a kiwi. It�s delicious

2. I had the biggest, tastiest salad ever for lunch with avocado and roasted red peppers. Now I�m not a fan of the red pepper, but man was that good.

3. Someone called from an auto-repair garage to talk to one of our consultants and he had the plumbiest voice EVER! I was thisclose to cracking up wildly.

4. I found a travel card in the toilets. Sitting on the shelf bit that hides the cistern. Glowing all pinkly. I told the girls downstairs that I have it if anyone comes a-looking, but if they don�t it�s mine all mine!

5. The lilies opposite my desk are starting to bloom and the scent is fabulous. We�re actually going to start ordering bouquets from this place down the road called New Leaf. It�s run by ex-cons, who were trained by some VERY swank and posh-like flower arranger (who would probably shit on my head for calling her a flower arrangers. I�m sure there�s a VERY swank and posh-like term for it, but it is not within my lexicon), and basically acts as a sort of half-way business (as opposed to a half-way house). I�m very excited by this. It�s a great project, but having a load of ex-cons delivering flowers straight to the office door will be a delight in itself.

6. I got no productive writing today. Just diary stuff. I should be gnawing my fingers to the bare-boned knuckle, but I�m not. What a rebel.

7. That�s it.


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hello and goodbye - 16.02.07
like lightning in the morning - 19.06.06
knob-end loser - 12.06.06
don't get the wine part I - 10.06.06
a blurb is a blurb is a blurb - 07.06.06