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2004-05-13..5:19 p.m.

Man, my brain is buzzing like a happy hornet�s nest. Maybe more like a nest of bumble bee�s, all fat and covered in pollen and about to make the honey. Trying to stop myself from giggling shrilly is making my face hurt. I sound stoned, but really I�m not! (Hey, stop it.)(No, I swear I�m not.)(Dude, you�re freaking me out.) I�m just all giddy and joyful for no reason whatsoever. And the happiness doesn�t even have to do with the boys (not even the shagtasticism of Steve from That Band Tuesday, and the techKnow of the MC), because just thinking about that causes my head to spin painfully and I get all frowny-faced, so I�m not really sure where the happy is coming from. So if anything, I�m a little befuddled and confused: there are too many boys and I have too many wants and can�t satisfy everyone, but I am happy. Really strangely happy. But there it is. Perhaps it�s just the sun.

Today has been weird weird weird. I�ve been emailing like a fiend and yet it�s been madly busy today (for some reason I just had the biggest problem writing out �busy�, it kept coming out as �busty�. Is this a subconscious knocking thing, or coincidence? Who can tell?) I tend to store up links and then run back to them when I�m bored in the mornings before it gets filled with people and phoning and being nice to the people and the phoning so that I�ve something to read. Staving of the tedium, etc. Which means that I�ve been having all KINDS of fun with the subjunctive case today too! Whoo! Go Subjunctive Vergabe! Whoo!

And thanks to R I�ve cottoned onto the WONDER of this fantastic lovely site I would officially renounce ALL my beliefs of the patriarchal innecessity of marraige and in fact MARRY where it human and asking. REALLY. It�s CAPITALICOUS! I�ve already signed onto the mailing list. I couldn�t help myself now that OED want money.. wordspy.. mmmmmm�. Lexpionage.. mmmmmm..

I�ve also been starving. Not in that nibbly way, but in the if I could get past the wild array of arterial problems posed by hydrogenated vegetable oils I�d be scooping out biscuit packets by the dozen. I�d be a black hole for all things biscuity.

Dude, I�ve simply GOT to GO.


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hello and goodbye - 16.02.07
like lightning in the morning - 19.06.06
knob-end loser - 12.06.06
don't get the wine part I - 10.06.06
a blurb is a blurb is a blurb - 07.06.06