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2004-03-04..2:22 p.m.

It was all about goats last night. Between bouts of struggling to drop off, the notebook I always take to bed with me was treated to several pages worth of scrawl rabbitting on about goats in tutu�s and tapshoes relocating to Cardiff or Bermondsey because they keep scaring off the children while picnicking and dabbling in medicine.

And I quote:

�Teetering test-tubes in a lab run by goats in tutu�s. Wearing racing goggles because it�s a marathon after all.�

So the big question (so my sleep addled brain decided) is thus: Between a goat in a tutu and Beaker, who is more likely to create a perfect storm of flying glass and chemical burns?

It�s a tough call. And one I don�t think I can make while so painfully and completely awake.

In keeping with Big Questions, here are a few more for you to ponder:

Pen or pencil? (the top of which do you prefer when chewing over the state of things)

Paper-and-comb or bow-and-saw? (which is better for musical mayhem)

�Gargantuan� or �gauche�? (fun with words beginning with G)

Greedy for pants or hungry for freckles? (which are you?)

Elvis or the Fat Lady? (who�s left the building)

I�m going to see the Distance tonight (because I missed Cornerstones last week, compensatory action if you will) and *possibly* the film American Splendor tomorrow. Very excited about such a possibility too, as I�ve heard very good things about it. Paul Giamatti is the main dude, I can�t remember what it is I�ve seen him in, but I do remember being rather impressed with him. I think the story appeals to me in a cantankerous Jeffery Lewis sort of way, the integration of graphic-narrative and �live� footage promises for at least a varied development if nothing else. Next week is thus far shaping up to be gig-ly: Phantom Planet, Monday; Salako and Homescience, Wednesday; Broken Family Band, Thursday (though may want to miss that one as Un Chien Andalou and L�Age D�or are screening, I do love my surrealist cinema); Indigo and the Fever Kicks, Saturday.. The excitement is palpable.

Yourself? Any grooving happenings for the weekend/next week? Did you get snow this week? After the *dusting* of snow Monday (and really, it looked like someone had run amok in night with a tin of Spray-on Sno) you�d have thought we�d been hit by a full force nuclear gale. So much for the city that never sleeps. (or is that New York?)

Right my Pretty, I�m going to take these bluebells and get on with the afternoon. Yours taking to the absurd like a frying pan, xxmeep

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hello and goodbye - 16.02.07
like lightning in the morning - 19.06.06
knob-end loser - 12.06.06
don't get the wine part I - 10.06.06
a blurb is a blurb is a blurb - 07.06.06