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2004-01-27..12:50 p.m.

First. Writing several reviews and an article this week. The article is actually going to be published (whee!) for a non-profit mag ( pay), which naturally means I�ve not started it beyond the vaguest of outlines. Second. As of Monday I�ve been here 6months. SIX MONTHS and I�ve still nto been offered a permanent position. I don�t know if I�m more worried that it may mean that they�re looking for someone else, or pissed off that I�ve wasted so much time not being permanent. Third. Have been concerting like mad, v exciting, but also knackering. Am utterly exhausted today and feeling very gross carby, and indulging in the carb, so really am just feeling gross. From the Track and Filed Winter Sprinter I came away with a profit of three potential luvva�s. Have been in contact w all of them. One is the bassist of v cool band from Leeds/Edinburgh, he�s so cute and scrawny you just want to eat him. His gee-tar is covered in white faux fur, placed so by the chick drummer. The second is Paul who�s from Northampton, about an hour north of here, went out w him last night to the Shins concert. Probably about 34, we talked twice bt concerts on the phone, both times had to pries ourselves away after an hour. I like him, he�s got a wicked taste in music, used to be a promoter in NH; and pays for my booze. Well that not the only reason I like him, he paid for the ticket last night as well.. sorry it's not often I get chances like this!

Really though, he�s just really sweet and animated and cool. And a good kisser as I discovered after the WinSprin event the other week. Dude number three is a funny, smart, American (will forgive him for that) and drummer of an incredible band out of New York that (for reasons of confidentiality, privacy, etc. I will hereon call EG) I have been a fan of for years, but hadn't actually seen in concert until I came here (the irony). The self same incredible band out of New York who turned out to be �Guest� in The Shins and Guest.

That was interesting. A bit awkward at times bc it was the three of us all hanging out together and w me trying not to seem like I�m too interested in either of them, but over all v cool night. The drummer boy is in Spain now til the 26th and which point he�ll be coming back to blighty and w luck kipping at my pad for a few days. I don�t think I have ever liked someone so much and still have yet to kiss them. I�ve been gidding about w a ridiculous smile curling my mouth into a beacon for all who sees me.

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hello and goodbye - 16.02.07
like lightning in the morning - 19.06.06
knob-end loser - 12.06.06
don't get the wine part I - 10.06.06
a blurb is a blurb is a blurb - 07.06.06