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Blog Flux Directory
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2004-12-06..4:47 p.m.

Aside from some SERIOUSLY CRAP organisation skills on the part of the organisers and some rather glaring technical difficulties (only the vocals went through the PA, there was no middle range, the monitors only picked up individual efforts rather than the collective � great if you�re a self-indulgent wanker who only likes the sound of his/her own performing, not if you�re a nervous band playing for the first time as a group in front of an audience) The Bishops gig on Friday was BRILLIANT! And fuck me silly M looks foxy on stage. I mean he�s foxy to begin with, but on stage he is a FUCKING FOX!
I cannot stress how nervous I was though. Forget the fact I could barely roll a fag, I couldn�t even light it. My friend Sarah had to do it for me. During the sound check I stood with my head buried into her shoulder, trying not to hyperventilate and hold onto my pint, fag shaking away between clenched fingers and getting dangerously close to Hairdos*. Sigh. I hate the total helplessness about it all. I hate little I can do. I hate that I nearly throw up the second he hits the stage, that I�m his worst critic, that I�m so biased about him. But I loved seeing him on stage, and how rampantly bunny-like the adrenaline rush made him. We didn�t stop all weekend and love him though I do, I�ve put my foot down. A two day moratorium. A girl needs some (some) time (sometimes).

*MY GOD there were a lot of Hairdos there. Everyone so trendy, all hipster and effortlessly** gorgeous, while I (preferring the hepster to the hipster any day)(also not having time Friday morning to prettify myself, nor time before the gig to go home and scrub up a bit) shrank steadily into a burlap sack of uncool feeling like a garden-variety mix-and-match Potatohead. Given the gorgeousity of M up on stage I really did feel like I was letting the side down. (Un)Fortunately I found my three-inch electric blue stilettos Sunday morning and veritably pranced about donning solely a pair of pants, some legwarmers and a minxy tee and did look a treat even if M�s adoring fans didn�t get to see it.


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hello and goodbye - 16.02.07
like lightning in the morning - 19.06.06
knob-end loser - 12.06.06
don't get the wine part I - 10.06.06
a blurb is a blurb is a blurb - 07.06.06