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Blogwise - blog directory

2004-08-27..12:42 p.m.

I�m so bored today. No one�s in the office, I�m sick of the internet. I�m not allowed to read anything remotely interesting, but have to pretend like I�m doing things with Office Related Material. I strangely feel like crying with frustration. Is it the boredom? Is it inexplicable frowny-facedness flying hazardously in the face of my Everything Going Smoothly reality? Is it the weird inability to get down last night lingering like a motley gremlin gnawing on my ears? (Seriously, what was that? Too much booze? Too much food? The Spank It, Baby attitude was there. The mind was willing, the body wasn�t giving, so to speak. I don�t think that has ever happened to me either -- certainly not so that I became evershrinking [Lewis Carroll is really on a roll this week] -- so I�ve been all crinkled and hunched and feeling about as sexy as a crispy remnant of the bubonic plauge trying to work out the why without putting any tears in my introspective fabric and getting no where.) I know M said he weren't bothered by it, but I am. Maybe the restless, slightly anxious, waiting for this all to be over so I can get on with it feeling is simply spilling over.

On the other hand, I'm also a little annoyed that M showed reservations on meeting my nan. She's my fucking grandmother, not some Familial Jury. And more I'm envious that he gets to go bowling, while I'm stuck taking money from punters who will invariably treat me either like a retarded lop-ear puppy shakily attempting a new trick or ignore me entirely and try to give MC (or whomever's managing) their fare when I'm blatantly sitting in front of the till. In general I'm fed up and just wanting to go home. And that�s a whole ten days away.

What I need is to run screaming from the office. What I need is to slam a door in someone's face. What I need is to go all Doc Oc on someone's ass and come at them tentacles lashing and pin them against a wall and laugh maniacally while their shieking and gurgling AAGGGHRRRGGLLAAAAGGLLLLRRRAAGHH, but then Spidey would come and beat the shit out of me and I'd have to limp home defeated. What I need is some time to read and think and crawl about the house doped up on coffee and sex and handfed nibbles. What I really need is a good art project, or someone to scheme up a couple of paint-the-hamster-purple snowdive pranks. Or decent reviews to read, a little metacriticism, some of the old postmodernist hypothesising. Go, January! Go!



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hello and goodbye - 16.02.07
like lightning in the morning - 19.06.06
knob-end loser - 12.06.06
don't get the wine part I - 10.06.06
a blurb is a blurb is a blurb - 07.06.06