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2004-05-05..4:46 p.m.

did I tell you about the weird non-mentral bleeding I was experiencing on Friday?

Sorry to just jump in there like that, but I can�t remember. Nothing to worry about that I can tell, just a little repercussion from some over enthusiastic platonic sex w the MC. Platonic, you ask? Why yes. We have decided that he�s not ready for a relationship and though torn because we both really want one and the sex is fantastic, but frankly we�d rather not ruin a good thing by him still being a bit headcasey about the last one. Four years is a long time to lose yourself in a person.

I also think my mild allergy to latex is becoming not so much mild and uncomfortable, as present and intolerable. This fabu bit of medical trivia has been making itself known increasingly of late having come to he conclusion that, hmm, sex with two people (not at the same time) let�s play it safe. I�m a giant slag bucket, I know, but dammit, I�m trying to be a safe slag bucket.

Also, I�ve been developing a mild allergy to wheat and now can�t eat bread without feeling horrible and bloaty (though toast is ok in small doses, why? I don�t know).

So it�s been two week�s of swollen meep. Fantastic.

I just realised this morning that

a. i�ve not put in a full week in the past five! FIVE! I figured this out as I was coming out of a dream in which I was trying to calculate something using a chalk board and some water on a brush. I don�t know what that was, but I awoke desparate to calculate something, and how many weeks I�ve been skiving was apparently first on the list.

b. I�m officially a 12 year old boy. Last night rather than go out, or hang out with my o so grooving (�) flatmates, I spent the night in my room reading The Adventures of Spiderman. I can�t get enough of that Spiderman. He does what ever a spider can. It�s true!

c. My body will not let me sleep between 5.15 and 6.35am, but if I lie in bed after that I�m out like a light until 7.20.. Which for all intents and purposes sucks giant furry ass because I�m either so wired while I�m walking to work because I�ve not slept that pigeons scare me with their mutant legs, and small children look like wily leprechauns, or I�m fucked off and smelly for the rest of the day because I didn�t have enough time to shower and then had to run over the mutant pigeon legs and small children so I won�t be late. I need a better system.

Right. TONIGHT: I am working at the Water Rats making a few extra quid so I can get my hair cut on Saturday, and hopefully have enough left over the I can pool with my birthday money for a new bike.

TOMORROW: I am going to see Franz Ferdinand! FRANZ FUCKING FERDINAND!!!

FRIDAY: I am working at the Water Rats making a few extra quid so I can also afford to get my friend Sarah something for her birthday which is on Saturday, hence the wanting of a haircut.

But TOMORROW: I�M SEEING FRANZ FUCKING FERDINAND!!!!! Jesus that makes me happy!

But not as happy as knowing I�m going to be doing that interview with the Von Bondies. AND I�ve managed to procure a travel chess set.

Right. I�m off for the day..


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hello and goodbye - 16.02.07
like lightning in the morning - 19.06.06
knob-end loser - 12.06.06
don't get the wine part I - 10.06.06
a blurb is a blurb is a blurb - 07.06.06